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Acne problem? See how this simple home remedy will help fight acne?

Skin problems can be an extremely distressing and grievous problem. Acne is the most common skin problem. Almost 85% of people suffer from minor acne problems.

(Image courtesy freepik)

What causes acne?
Human skin is porous, pores act as a cooling duct and a passage for connecting various under skin glands. Follicles connect a pore and glands. Glands produce a liquid called sebum. The sebum carries dead skin cells through follicles to the skin surface. Pimple grows when these pores get blocked by dirt hence sebum build-up under the skin. Further, it gets infected with bacteria causing severe acne.

(Image courtesy freepik)

There are various remedies and medical treatments for acne. But we are going to see home remedies for skin problems with the help of alum.

5 uses of Alum for skincare and beautification.

1) Alum for pimple
Aluminum sulfate particles attract other dirt particles and oil hence making the affected area dry. This results in the removal of dry skin. You can do this by making a mixture of alum powder and water. Apply the mixture for 10 mins. A 10 days long usage reduces the marks and pimples completely.

2) Slow down facial hair growth
Alum powder mixed with rose water with a ratio of alum powder and rose water is 1:2 approx. apply this mixture regularly on the area of facial hair and upper lip hair for 10 mins, this will slow down the facial hair growth.
Note: use a moisturizer after the process.

3) Dark underarms
Dark underarms are caused by various reasons. The most common reason is sweat and germs. Alum powder directly can be applied to get rid of dark underarms.
Note: Daily use is not suggested.

4) Dandruff
Alum powder added with a small amount of salt with a shampoo wash can reduce dandruff and scalp irritation problems.

5) Cracked heels
Cracked heels are mostly caused by dryness and continuous pressure. Alum powder paste with coconut oil can be applied to get smooth baby soft heels.

(Image courtesy freepik)
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