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What went wrong in Chandrayaan-2 landing? How did NASA land humans on Moon?

ISRO used a remote-controlled system to communicate and command Chandryaan-2. Electromagnetic waves are used to communicate in space as they can travel through a vacuum.

There are various factors by which can these electromagnetic waves can get disturbed. The same happened with Chandryaan-2, orbiter lost connection with Vikram lander.

Apollo 11 mission, Spacecraft Saturn V had various modules in it. The lunar module on top carried a service module and command module. In the final earth orbit, the service module fires the engine and rotates 180 degrees. It attached itself to the lunar module and firing engines for a translunar injection heading towards the moon.

Next 3 days Apollo travelled to the moon final getting in lunar orbit by moons gravity.

All three astronauts separate themselves and slowly start descending the Eagle towards the lunar surface.

Eagle finally landed on the lunar surface on July 24, 1969.

If we notice the process of landing for Eagle and Vikram are the same, what is not the same is Eagle was controlled manually by astronauts whereas Vikram lander controlled from the Earth through electromagnetic radio waves. 

If Vikram lander had an automated backup auto flight control system, it would have fired engines accordingly after communication lost.

ISRO is trying its best to establish its communication with Vikram lander as it lost control about 400m above the lunar surface. Moon's gravity is much less than the Earth's gravity, 83.3% less to be exact. Taking these factors into consideration, Vikram lander would not have suffered severe damage.

ISRO's plan to reduce the orbit of Chandrayaan-2 Orbiter from 100 km to 50 km above the lunar surface can be risky, but it can strengthen the electromagnetic waves resulting in connection with Vikram lander.


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