Ridhima Pandey - 11 year old who filed a petition against government.Find out how India is fighting climate change.
In the past 50yrs 1/3 of wildland has been lost and almost half of the world land animals have vanished. By 2030 half of ocean life will be gone. With this climate change and rising global temperature world will witness the end of the ice age. An 11-year old girl from Uttarakhand, Riddhima Pandey, is one of the 16 petitioners against government inaction to prevent the climate crisis. In 2017 she filed a complaint against the Indian government to protest the inaction for climate change. Her demands to court • Audit industrial projects for climate-related issues • Plan a “carbon budget” to limit carbon dioxide emissions • Establish a national climate recovery plan Current Scenario • Sea level rises have submerged several low-lying islands in the Sundarbans, evacuating thousands of people. • Bangladesh to be the first country to get hit by climate change. Increasing sea level and temperature are major reasons. • Record break temperature in 20...